Osaka YMCA International School

Stage Performers Workshop

Middle School students enjoyed a stage performers workshop.

The aim of this workshop was collaboration, researching own ways of expression, self-confidence, exploration of skills and possibilities of creating a performance.

The theme of the day is ‘Creativity’; this can be interpreted in a very broad manner by the students but the inspiration will come from a traditional Japanese theatre form that Osaka is famous for: Bunraku, or the art of puppetry.

The day was filled with exercises, skills training, and while working in small groups students were required to work on a short presentation that will get the community together at the end of the day.

Ellis Van Maarseveen​

Ellis Van Maarseveen

Ellis is an internationally recognised TV and Film actress, director, playwright and MYP/DP teacher. She brought Tusk international theatre co. to Japan, she wrote ‘Sei shun’ (translated by Junro Shibata), which was performed in Nagoya in 2014 and Kaiken performed in 2016.

Ellis works as an artist for ISTA (International Schools Theatre Association) when she gives workshops in Beijing, Hong Kong, Berlin and Spain.
Ellis is currently based in Hague: she is in Japan to judge the English Language Theatre competition between four major universities in Tokyo – we are lucky to have her for a workshop!

Learn more about Ellis at:

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