We are committed to empowering our students to become independent and globally-minded. We will create an engaging learning environment by providing educational excellence through global mindedness and the core YMCA values of building a healthy spirit, mind, and body.
At Osaka YMCA International School, students actively develop knowledge, skills and international mindedness through student-centered, inquiry-based education. Our programs are designed to empower students to achieve personal success while compassionately contributing to their local communities and a more peaceful world.
The first Japanese YMCA was established in Tokyo in 1880, followed by the establishment of the local YMCAs throughout Japan, including Osaka in 1882.
The Osaka YMCA has always worked with the people in communities of need, especially the elderly, young people, and those suffering from poverty. The Y has also been involved in crisis response, such as assisting during and after fires, floods, earthquakes, and even during worldwide pandemics.
Members of the YMCA seek to develop their individual capacities to the fullest. They work together as a global movement that aspires to build healthy and strong communities that can peacefully coexist.
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Osaka YMCA International School – Copyright 2025
Inquiry-based learning is a form of active learning, where students form their own questions about a topic, triggering their natural curiosity and engaging them in their learning. Students hunger to know the answers to their questions, and pursue them through research, the scientific method, and collaboration with peers. Students present their learning with each other, becoming experts in their own mini-fields. They also develop the skill to reflect upon their learning process, discovering what worked for them, and how to improve their knowledge and abilities in the future.
Service learning offers OYIS students the opportunity to be responsible, caring, participating members of society. It is grounded in experiential education—learning by doing.
The goal of service learning is to direct the learners into practical settings where the primary motivation is service, and where learning takes place in two ways—as students take part in the experience and as they reflect upon what happened during the experience and as a result of it.
The world has become an interconnected place, where people from many cultures and perspectives come together. Every person must work to reduce their own ego- and ethno-centricity in order to better share the planet and to create a world that is better for the next generation. This goal involves an increasing sense of sharing and creating community with others rather than trying to build community around ourselves. It also suggests a continuing process rather than a goal that can be ‘achieved’. Our students and staff are always working on this process, both in and out of the classroom.
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.