Osaka YMCA
International School

Pink Shirt Day

Osaka YMCA International School

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Pink Shirt Day

What is Pink Shirt Day

It is a worldwide bullying opposition movement which was created thanks to the efforts of two Canadian students in 2007.

A boy who came to school wearing a pink shirt was bullied that he was gay. Two students who saw it handed out 75 pink shirts to their friends. On the next day, many of the students who supported the appeal wore pink shirts to school. The whole school was dyed pink, and spontaneously bullying disappeared. This episode spread out all over the world by SNS and more than 70 countries took part in this action.

In Canada, Pink Shirt Day is held on the last Wednesday of February every year.

“Let’s Create a World Without Bullying”

We have decided to grapple with Pink Shirt Day: A crusade against bullying as a collective campaign at Osaka YMCA.

We take the first step to aim the realisation of a fair and peaceful world.

We hope we can think together about “bullying” in this opportunity.

When is Pink Shirt Day this year?

This year, Pink Shirt Day will be held on Wednesday – 27th February.

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