Osaka YMCA
International School

MSP Art Museum Excursion

Osaka YMCA International School

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MSP Art Museum Excursion

Art Gallery – Escher and The Louvre.

How do we connect the curriculum and real world learning?

Concept based learning is based around integrating real world experiences into the curriculum and assessments. On Friday, the Middle School viewed two art exhibitions – the Louvre and the art of M.C.Escher. The Louvre portrait exhibition provided a key reflection point for grade 7 and their novel study in Language and Literature, American Born Chinese, in which the key theme is identity. During the exhibition, students investigated how cultures represented identity through portraiture.

M. C. Escher was a Dutch graphic artist who made mathematically-inspired woodcuts and lithographs and students are studying his art to investigate how geometry can be applied in a real world. Grade 8 currently are studying a unit on geometry, and using the principles of tessellation, the main feature of M.C Escher’s work, they will create a geometric pattern to be used in advertising.

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