Osaka YMCA International School

G3&4 Mino Waterfall 2019

Grade 3 continued their inquiry into Earth Systems by taking a trip to Minoh Falls at the end of last week. When we arrived at Minoh Park, we immediately started noticing a lot of examples of the things we had learned about in class. On our way up, there were lots of conversations and observations about the different earth systems we could see working together- and lots of connections to other experiences we have had in our lives. It was a great walk and, even though some of us were tired, we all made it to the waterfall. After lunch, we were able to do some sketching and write some reflections on our trip. The weather was really beautiful and we are glad we were able to spend a day in the outdoors before the colder weather comes!

In connection with our unit about Earth Systems, the Grade 4 class went to visit Minoh Falls. We took the train from school (a system!) went to a bug museum (the biosphere!) and then hiked up to see how the river and the rock interacted. It was a great trip!

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