Announcing our Diploma Programme Authorization!
🥳 A big round of applause! We are officially a DP school! 👏

Osaka YMCA International School would like to announce the successful conclusion of our Diploma Programme authorization. On February 17th, the International Baccalaureate Organization informed us that at the conclusion of our verification visit they had determined that we meet all the expectations to be authorized as a fully accredited Diploma provider.
The visiting team provided us with a great deal of information and feedback to help us improve. They provided us with the following comments:
- All groups within the school community including administrative staff demonstrate understanding of and commitment to developing attributes of the IB learner profile as members of a learning community.
- The school has developed a culture of open communication across all the stakeholders based on mutual understanding and respect. There is strong evidence of a culture of respect for students and genuine care for the school community.
- The school provides extensive support for students who are not proficient in the language of instruction.
Beyond this, the IB encouraged OYIS to keep working and developing our plans. They expressed confidence that we would be ready to launch the Diploma in September. The principals and vice principals are proud of the work our leadership, teaching, and administration teams have produced to push OYIS to this level.
The OYIS administration would like to thank each and every member of the community for their ongoing support of OYIS. Over the past four years, our school community has continued to grow and evolve. With the completion of this process, we will now be able to continue our path of growth. Our current group of grade 10 students has been busy preparing for the Diploma throughout this year. Our school is committed to providing them with an outstanding, authentic and creative learning environment.