Middle Years Programme

OYIS was authorized as a Middle Years Programme school in June  2021. 

At OYIS our goal is to care for, educate, and develop independent, globally-minded students.

Beginning in grade 7 and finishing at the end of grade 10, the Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a holistic and rigorous 4-year course that encourages students to make connections between their studies and the real world.

Through our inquiry-based instruction, we aim to foster collaborative, balanced, and reflective lifelong learners who engage meaningfully in their communities.

What is Teaching and Learning through Inquiry?

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is concept-based teaching and learning allowing students to organize their knowledge into broad categorizing concepts. Students can experience the transfer of ideas across disciplines. In a concept-driven curriculum, big ideas such as change, logic, and perspective are taught across disciplines encouraging the transfer of knowledge.

The classroom is student-centered rather than teacher-centered; the teacher is a facilitator of learning. Students are active learners engaged in constructing their own learning through posing research questions. They are challenged by problem-based learning with connections to real-world problems.

MYP Approaches to Learning (AtLs) equip students with the research, collaboration, thinking, and communication skills to be able to confidently and independently complete the challenging Diploma Programme (DP) in grades 11-12. The AtLs ensure that a student’s socio-emotional development is measured and mapped as part of curriculum development and highlights a strong emphasis on student wellbeing.

Academic Development

Having completed the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), students at OYIS enter the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP), which prepares them for the IB Diploma Programme. The MYP is offered from Grade 7 through to Grade 10 (students aged 12 to 16).

The MYP aims to help students develop their personal understanding, their emerging sense of self, and responsibility to their community. MYP teachers organize the curriculum with appropriate attention to: 

  • Teaching and learning in context.  Using global contexts, MYP students explore human identity, global challenges, and what it means to be internationally minded.
  • Conceptual understanding. Students use concepts as a vehicle to inquire into issues and ideas of personal, local, and global significance and examine knowledge holistically.
  • Approaches to learning. Provides students with the foundation for independent learning and encourages the application of knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts. 
  • Service as action. Learning by doing. Students learn to be caring members of the community —making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. 
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2018

Why the MYP?

Research shows that students participating in the MYP:

  • Build confidence in managing their own learning
  • Learn by doing, connecting the classroom to the larger World
  • Outperform non-IB students in critical academic skills
  • Consistently have greater success in IB Diploma Programme examinations
  • Thrive in positive school cultures where they are engaged and motivated to excel
  • Develop an understanding of global challenges and a commitment to act as responsible citizens.