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summer intensives
Picture of Emily Donkin

Emily Donkin

Emily is the External Programs Director at Osaka YMCA International School. Originally a qualified teacher from Australia, she has lived in Japan for 15 years, working in education. She always wear black.

We'd love for you to join us this summer at the OYIS Summer Intensives. For three weeks, we will be exploring Art, Books & Authors, and Superheroes.

Summer Intensives 2022

summer intensives
summer intensives
summer intensives
This summer, the OYIS Intensives Programs are offering an all-new curriculum with hands-on learning opportunities for students between the ages of 3 and 12 years old. Each week focuses on a theme that provides ongoing learning opportunities for the students each of the days during that week.

In this Intensive Program, the themes will be:

  • Week 1 – Art [Monday, July 18th to Friday, July 22nd]
  • Week 2 – Books and Authors [Monday, July 25th to Thursday, July 28th]
  • Week 3 – Superheroes [Tuesday, August 2nd to Friday, August 5th]
Within our immersive English environment, native & fluent non-Japanese and Japanese staff provide an engaging and stimulating learning environment. Each teaching teams work within each class to promote the student’s confidence when speaking and their overall communication skills. Students are grouped into similar age levels [Preschool & Kinder / Grade 1 & 2 / Grade 3 & 4 / Grade 5 & 6] to ensure similarities between gross and fine motor skill levels and social and emotional awareness and abilities. Activities throughout the day include a PE lesson, outside time, a morning fruit break, inquiry learning time, and discussion/circle time.

Our cross-disciplinary approach supports the stand-alone week-long programs we offer while supporting and encouraging students to work collaboratively with their peers with less of a focus on the academic elements. For those interested in finding out more information you can sign up for our online information session on Thursday, June 16th at 6:30 [Google Form can be found HERE] where you will receive a link to the meeting upon application or you can explore the information on our Intensive website []. Alternatively, we are happy to answer any questions you have by emailing [[email protected]]. We’d love for you to join us this Summer!




クラスメイトと協力的に学習に取り組むよう働きかけ、アカデミックな面を軽減することで一週間の独立したプログラムを教科の枠を超えたアプローチを通して支援しています。プログラムにご興味のあられる方は6/16(木)に実施予定の説明会にぜひご参加ください。[グーグルフォームは こちら]フォームから申請していただけると説明会にご参加いただけるリンクが送られます。


ご質問のある方はこちらのメールアドレス[[email protected]]までご連絡ください。

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scholarship exam 2022

Sign up for the OYIS Scholarship Exam

Students who are eligible for Grades 10 or 11 in August 2023 are invited to take the 2022 Scholarship Exam. This exam is the first step to potentially receiving the OYIS Achievement Award.

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