Picture of Morris Mandarino

Morris Mandarino

PYP School Counselor

Being Good Enough vs Being Perfect

The idea of having to achieve the highest level of perfection is something that often affects the best of us. We can get caught up in spending hours upon hours (sometimes days) in trying to craft and deliver work of the highest possible calibre. We end up overthinking things, we lose precious sleep, we eat unhealthily and thus neglect our physical and mental health. I wonder….Is it really worth it? 


I mean, is it worth sacrificing your mental and physical health to achieve perfection? I regularly meet to chat with students and staff who grieve about this. I listen and I listen. I validate. Yes, you want to produce something that will make the highest possible impact. Yes, you want to get the highest grade possible. Yes, you want to make your parents and teachers proud. I get it. I do.


In these cases I quote the often used expression (courtesy of MYP Coordinator Mr. Anderson), “Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good.” Think about this for a moment. Sometimes good enough really is ‘good enough’. We don’t have to be perfect, we don’t have to be exemplary. Good enough can mean ‘doing your best.’ Ms. Maria Auteri (Grade 5 Homeroom teacher) guides her students with, “If you think you did your best then that is good enough.” Good enough is where it’s at. Saying to yourself, “I am good enough, this is good enough” can often be the subtle difference between a life filled with self-love, balance and acceptance or one filled with the effects (i.e. anxiety, insecurity etc.) of the constant pursuit of something unattainable like perfection.

Reach out to me if you would like to discuss this more – [email protected]

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scholarship exam 2022

Sign up for the OYIS Scholarship Exam

Students who are eligible for Grades 10 or 11 in August 2023 are invited to take the 2022 Scholarship Exam. This exam is the first step to potentially receiving the OYIS Achievement Award.

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