
As a community school, inclusion is integral to OYIS’ mission to empower students to achieve personal success through our collaborative culture and commitment to student-centered education—where students are valued for their strengths and their abilities to grow as lifelong learners.

At OYIS, all staff and faculty are responsible for inclusive education through the identification of barriers to inclusion, the recognition that all teachers are teachers of language, and creating affirmative, responsive, and differentiated learning environments.

Inclusion at OYIS aims to increase student access and engagement with, and remove barriers to learning. The OYIS Admissions Policy outlines the criteria for admission for students and identifies the level of support needed for success. If a student is identified through the admissions process as having support needs, the school will endeavor to identify the support required—within the scope of the physical and human resources available—through consultation with the Student Support Team (SST) and the English as an Additional Language (EAL) team.

At present, OYIS is able to support students with mild to moderate learning support needs, including the exceptionally able.

Student Support Teams

The Student Support Team (SST) works transparently with the community including the student, parents, and teachers, to provide a holistic and well-balanced approach to student support. The support team is a collaborative interdisciplinary team that coordinates the OYIS service delivery model, ensuring a fair and equitable provision of service based on the level of support needed and the referral process. The MYP/DP OYIS SST consists of administration, student support coordinators, student support teachers, the MYP/DP counselor, the MYP/DP school psychologist and the school nurse.

Learning Environment

OYIS strives to remove as many barriers to learning as possible to allow students to grow and flourish academically. In order to facilitate this, teachers, administrators, and support staff collaborate in scheduled meetings to identify and eliminate barriers to learning found in school organization and resources, school culture and policies, in the Nakatsu and Tosabori buildings, and other physical obstacles. We proactively teach Approaches to Learning (AtL) to foster these skills in our students to support them in their learning. Teachers plan and apply Approaches to Teaching and Learning strategies in order to develop curriculum which enables all students to access and engage in both the learning experiences and the assessment tasks. OYIS also strives to foster positive relationships with the local community to eliminate barriers to learning.

Language Support

As a culturally and linguistically diverse academic institution, OYIS recognizes multilingualism as a right for all community members and that bilingual and multilingual learners (BMLs) learn in diverse ways. We believe that all community members are language instructors, including students, teachers, parents, and administration. Through the development and implementation of student support plans and language profiles, OYIS strives to meet the needs of BMLs through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) curriculum development. Teachers use a multimodal approach to language teaching and learning by providing opportunities for authentic assessment featuring different modes of communication. Teachers and students are encouraged to use translanguaging in the classroom to make connections with their first or best language to maximize meaning while developing students’ self-identities.

English Language Learners (ELLs)


The PYP English as an Additional Language (EAL) department has the responsibility of testing incoming students. EAL students are assessed using a standardized language assessment screener. In this system, Level One is the lowest level of English ability and Level Four is the highest (moving towards native fluency). They are tested on speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Based on the assessment results, and in consultation with the observation teacher, the students are placed accordingly within our four-level system.

In Early Childhood, language support comes from the homeroom teacher in collaboration with a full-time English speaking assistant in each class. In Grades 1-6, the EAL teachers support students using one of the following methods:

  • Targeted: The EAL teacher works with a small group of EAL students in the EAL classroom.
  • In-class: The EAL teacher supports the EAL students in accessing a lesson taught by the classroom teacher.
  • Collaborative Co-teaching: The EAL teacher co-teaches a lesson or leads a smaller group of students alongside the classroom teacher.

The MYP/DP language department is responsible for providing additional support for all emerging communicators, namely students who have been placed in phase 1 or 2 of MYP English language acquisition. A variety of support methods may be provided including, although not exclusive to the following models:

In-class Support
  • Classroom support for students within a lesson
  • Small groups or individual instruction or check-ins on specific skills or tasks
Targeted Support
  • Support for students in another room during a lesson or in addition to lessons
  • Small groups or individual instruction on specific skills or tasks
  • Co-teaching a lesson with the classroom teacher
  • Leading a smaller group of students alongside classroom teacher
  • Working with the classroom teacher on planning and support strategies for EAL students
Access arrangements  for task 
  • Changes to how the content is taught, made accessible and/or assessed; objectives of the course material remain the same
Reasonable adjustments of task
  • Changes to how the content is taught, made accessible and/or assessed; objectives of the course material are changed to meet the language needs of the student

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