Measurements of Success in Sports & Studies
You may have seen the new Netflix documentary ‘Beckham’, about one of England’s most well-known footballers. Near the start, Beckham talks about his school days
Sim Wei Evers-Swindell is from Malaysia. She arrived in Osaka in August 2019. Her role in OYIS is the Head of Physical Education and Health. She has two boys. She has had a wonderful experience learning what Japan has to offer. Arigato, Japan!
The OYIS Sports day was held on the 23rd of April, 2022. This was an exciting event, not only for the students and parents, but for OYIS! It was the first all-school get-together after 3 years of online events, due to the current pandemic situation. It was great to witness so many gleeful faces of parents, teachers, and students at the Tsurumi Ryockuchi Stadium, the first-ever outside school event at OYIS.
In Physical Education and Health, students are inquiring into health-related fitness (HRF) in order to have an understanding of how to improve these aspects of their own lives. Students learnt about the importance of doing a warm-up before taking part in physical activity and how to measure their heart rate; they also learned different ways to be fit using the fitness components – cardiovascular; strength; endurance; and flexibility.
In addition, students collaborated with the Parent Volunteer Group (PVG) to suggest ideas for healthy food and drinks to be sold during Sports Day. This learning engagement aligns with the current unit for students to understand in-depth their lifestyle choices.
Early Childhood students were involved in a mass workout dance. They practised this workout dance at every PE class in the weeks leading up to the special event. Well Done!
Sports Day in OYIS was divided into two sessions. The morning session included students from Early Childhood to Grade 2 whilst the afternoon session was for students from Grade 3- Grade 11.
In the morning, students participated in 13 free play stations with interesting rules that mostly required collaboration skills working with their team members. Parents were invited to join in the fun with their children during the activities.
A great example of this type of activity was “Beach Volleyball.” In this activity, students were divided into 2 teams and played a friendly game of beach ball volleyball (no points, play for fun!). Students played a game of “Let’s Keep It Up”, where they showcased teamwork to hit the ball to each other and keep it off the ground. Next, students rotated around the station for competitive sports such as soccer, volleyball, tug of war, and many more.
For the afternoon, Grade 3 to Grade 11 commenced with a soccer tournament, followed by the tug of war, and lastly an obstacle course.
The spectators cheered with excitement as they played against each colour team. The students came with their fighting spirit in completing every single competition. It was a great camaraderie between parents, teachers, and students throughout the event. Thank you to all parents that participated in the tug of war competition.
The finale of the sports day at OYIS included a performance by Karen + Grace and their crew showcasing a creative modern dance based on popular current K-pop songs.
In a nutshell, Sports Day was an event that brought togetherness to our OYIS community. Parent involvement and teacher collaboration made the day especially successful. The event was time of knowing, understanding, and participating in sports activities specially designed and catered for our multinational families from all different backgrounds. In turn, this day has become a long-lasting memory in OYIS. Thank you to everyone!
You may have seen the new Netflix documentary ‘Beckham’, about one of England’s most well-known footballers. Near the start, Beckham talks about his school days
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